THN Insurance Solutions

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Brace Your Home for Tornados

Tis the season when Spring showers bring scary storms in Oklahoma. The best way to face this time is to prepare your home and family for all that may come.

Take these helpful pieces of advice on how to build up your defenses in light of the coming weather.

This one may be obvious but many haven’t even considered yet. Invest in a storm shelter. This is a sure fire way to keep all your love ones safe. If you don’t have the funds just yet then check out where your local shelters are. Many malls, schools, and churches have local shelters available to the community. Research where they are and the entrances for a smooth transition to safety.

  • Invest in or have an up to date homeowners insurance policy. Create an updated inventory list of your possessions to ensure everything is covered under your policy.

  • Repair loose or damaged building components. Keep parts of your home intact by preventing them from being able to be torn loose. Have someone inspect your home if you are unsure if repairs should be made.

  • In addition to repairs, secure the shingles on your roof. Some shingle cement will keep those tiles right where they belong and prevent a costly roof replacement later.

  • Re-caulk all the windows in your home. In case of strong winds and rain this will prevent water from leaking into the house causing flooding and water damage.

  • Consider installing an impact resistant garage door. Older weather worn doors can leak and let in debris. Garage doors are often the first structural device in a home to fail.

  • Assess the yard and outdoor area of the house. If there are branches hanging low it may be a good idea to trim them so that they won’t damage your windows and roof.  Pick up and store any items that may be hanging out in the yard like lawn mowers, bikes, or gardening tools.

Although Spring is lovely and full of beauty, it is also full of nuisance. Now is great time to get ahead start on prepping your fortress for attack and give Mother Nature a run for her money. Call us if you want to ensure you have your home properly covered!